Rapallo, 1958.
Self-taught painter, he attended evening courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Genoa in the 80s, and perfected his skills at the studios of Ligurian master painters: Aldo Cestino, Mario De Mela, Bruno Liberti.
In the late 90s he joined the La Spiga art center in Genoa where he began a collective exhibition of painters in the prestigious venues of Palazzo San Giorgio (2001), Palazzo Ducale (2003), then his first solo exhibitions, simultaneously participating in numerous initiatives in other national cities; Palazzo Barberini Rome, and prize competitions in many national locations.
With his last personal exhibition "creative alleanze" he leaves the trend that saw him represent in impressionist terms the arboreal nature and the world of naturalistic phenomena, in particular the painter had made himself known for his so meticulous and vibrant descriptiveness of subjects linked to all its forms and in the most diverse types, interpreted with rigorous analysis of the "features", of the insertion of the environmental landscape, transposing into symbolic and psychological intentions and revisiting the tree element as an existential reality of man.
Currently Stuttgard has abandoned that figurative realism and the emotion of an observance of the view to try his hand at the results of a stylistic figure that renounces any criterion of formal vision (Giannina Scorza) Art critic Corriere mercantile Genova.
In the years following 2004 the abstract and informal expressive form, where the impetuosity of the sign and the explosion of chromatisms were the symbol of an inner search aimed at bringing out ancient unconscious emotions, leaves room for a sudden fragmentary expressive form of the color itself. The Vision series will then be born ... where the color becomes digital in a matrix vision, where the structure is the structure of the single digit itself.
Luciano Stuttgard gives an abstract idea of ​​art, to which in the end he gives an almost multimedia "complication". In the screen of the modern world, in fact, the "lights" of life are colored in an ever frenetic way.
Luciano Stuttgard allows the image to give itself in the structure of its circuit. It seems that we see artistic Frames. The aesthetics of abstraction is reconfigured in a pop key. (Paolo Meneghetti) philosopher and critic of aesthetics.
Through his works, Stuttgard analyzes the human soul.
What the Artist creates are unusual color combinations that carry a latent meaning. The colors are those of the Soul. In fact, what is represented is the soul with its nuances. Stuttgard's true strength lies in his investigation that goes beyond every known universe in search of the unsaid in Art. (Dr. Salvatore Russo) Art critic.
"Highlighting an introspective logic positively brought to stylistic versatility, Luciano Stuttgard pours into his pictorial timbre varied interpretative needs. From the revisited figuration, in a clear post-avant-garde key to the more concrete abstract dialectic, his hand tends to materialize a clear and intense vision of his artistic soul. All in a crescendo that does not displace the viewer at all but leads him towards the stylistic path of a valid contemporary interpreter, capable of incessantly experimenting, playing, studying, understanding and acting according to dictates arising from concrete and acute observations.
Observations that retrace the path of time, giving at every single step small
fragments of forgotten meanings" (Sandro Serradifalco) Art Publisher
At the end of 2014 Stuttgard reworks his artistic vein in an informal pictorial technique rich in chromatism with mixed techniques such as dripping and partial digital contaminations typical of the previous Vision production to which he had given particular attention by pigeonholing the color in the individual cellular elements distributed on the surface of the canvas in a uniform way, while now it also takes on a more chaotic and casual distribution ...
From 2016 to the exhaustion of a path a very short period of experimentation is born where the color is superimposed on the canvas directly from the tube creating games of chromatic and material superimpositions of a dynamic nature that are the prelude to the next expressive form that will see him involved in the use of very diluted color thrown in a splash on the surface giving rise to the production such as the floral series performed in action painting, where the previous abstract and informal view leaves room for a representation that although comprehensive maintains in itself all the unpredictability of the case leaving the user the freedom to see the imaginary of reality.
Only from 2022 in the continuous search to abstract the floral subjects as much as possible will he begin to paint always with the action fluid technique but replacing the brush with random accessories, containers of the color themselves, pouring and splashing it in games of tonal overlapping.
During the execution Stuttgard accompanies the case developing new compositions, flat and spatial emphases in a purely abstract visual language that fascinates the observer.
With this color and these images during the process on the canvas he allows a lot, he is open to instinctive pictorial gestures from start to finish that spontaneously allow him to develop new ideas.
His new works, even medium and large size, take viewers where the artist's imagination should take them. His paintings are painted passions, they master the extremes between reality and dream, between tangible and metaphysical, giving emotions and an intuitive charm.
Genova Busalla : Concorso nazionale Bassano "Mastro Ave"
Presso : Galleria "Il Sorpasso" anno 2005
Curatrice : Lanfranca Finetti
Firenze : "Arte e Fiera" 1a mostra mercato d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Presso : Fortezza da Basso (Galleria il Sorpasso) anno 2006
Curatrice : Lanfranca Finetti
Roma : "Sensazioni pittoriche"
Presso : Galleria "L'angelo azzuro" (attualmente Trittico) anno 2008
Curatrice : Sabina Fattibene
Segnalato dalla critica
Palermo : "Concorso Art Museum Il Louvre" anno 2009
Responsabile : Pietro Serradifalco
Critico d'Arte : Salvatore Russo
Genova : "15° Concorso Saturarte 2010"
Presso : Satura Art Gallery
Curatore : Mario Napoli
Artista segnalato
Genova : "Quarta Biennale d'Arte Contemporanea GenovArte" anno 2011
Presso : Satura Art Gallery
Curatore : Mario Napoli
Bruxelles : "Premio Internazionale Tokyo" anno 2011
Organizzazione : Centro Diffusione Arte Palermo
Responsabile : Pietro Serradifalco
Critico d'Arte : Salvatore Russo
Opera esposta a catalogo Boè '
Villa Serra di Sant'Olcese (Ge) : "Arte, Amore e Fantasia" anno 2012
Sala espositiva del museo 'Flavio Roma'
Organizzazione : Loredana Trestin
Art Direction : Anna Ferrari
Critico d'arte : Dott.ssa Caterina Randazzo
Venezia : "Artetivulab" Orler 2011
Televendita opere presenti come da portale ''
Roma : "Evento Artistico Internazionale Domus Talenti Art Festival" anno 2013
Organizzazione : Angelo Ribezzi
Curatrice : Ilaria Pergolesi
Critica : Alfredo Maria Barbagallo
(festival arte contemporanea )
Museo Internazionale MIIT
24aprile-9 maggio 2014
curatore : dott.Guido Folco
critico d'arte : Elisa Bergamino
Genova Art Expò 2014
Palazzo Stella, Galleria Satura
5-19 luglio 2014
curatore : Mario Napoli
Milano Expò 2015 International Contemporary Art
Centrale Idroelettrica Taccani di Trezzo D'Adda
Curatore artistico . dott. Giorgio Grasso
critico d'arte : dott.ssa Mattea Micello
maggio - luglio 2015 tre mesi
in super collettiva minipersonale (5 opere)
EXPOARTE "Il Gusto dell'Arte"
Castello Dei Doria DOLCEACQUA (IM)
03 - 11 ottobre 2015
terzo appuntamento della mostra itinerante
Art Curator: Vinvenzo Scardigno
Presentazione e contributi critici Giovanni Cordero
(Funzionario MIBAC - Regione Piemonte)
ultima tappa
evento itinerante di creatività contemporanea
Art Curator: Vinvenzo Scardigno
Presentazione e contributi critici Giovanni Cordero
(Funzionario MIBAC - Regione Piemonte)
Galleria Merighi presso Arte Fiera Genova 12-14 feb
telepromozione presso canale televisivo Telegenova da dic.2015-feb.2016
IAR ItaliArt Sanpietroburgo Russia
28/6 - 03/7 - 2016 presso centro espositivo dell'unione dei pittori di
1 classificato Categoria art-design ( catalogo) attestato
2-3° altre categorie
Oleggio(NO) ,Molfetta,Matera,Reggio Calabria,Novara
11/6 - 19/6; 09/7-17/7; 09/7-17/7 ; 30/7-07/8; 05/11-13/9
Art Curator: Vincenzo Scardigno
Presentazione e contributi critici Giovanni Cordero
(Funzionario MIBAC - Regione Piemonte)
Castello dei Doria DOLCEACQUA ( IM)
Primo Premio Internazionale di Pittura
CLAUDE MONET organizzatori galleria D'arte La Tour des Artistes
27/8- 11/9 - 2016
Galleria Il Cerchio Cromatico anno 2016
Artisti Liguri collettiva
P.zza Piccapietra Genova
scopo beneficenza Ass.Gigi Ghirotti
Mostra Internazionale d'arti visive c/o Complesso monumentale Chiesa S.Maria di Castello
Il Cerchio Cromatico curatore Mauro Fantaccione
collettiva mini personale anno 2016
Galleria Merighi presso Arte Fiera Genova 17-20 feb 2017
mostra mercato
Art Basel artbox-project giugno 2017
video esposizione su grande schermo opera inedita
Palazzo Doria Fornari uffici Banca Mediolanum
personale 2 mesi 14 opere sett/ott 2017
Premio Internazionale Cristoforo Colombo c/o auditorium aquario di Genova
EA Editore curatore Serradifalco Francesco giugno/2018
Selfie D'artista presso Castello di Dolceacqua Bordighera (IM) 7-17 giugno 2018
a cura gallerista art director Loreta Larkina
Selfie D'artista presso galleria in Sestiere Dorsoduro 15/11-24/11 2018 Venezia
a cura gallerista art director Loreta Larkina
Collettiva Mondi Paralleli c/o Galleria La bottega di Marco Locci
a cura di Mario Fantaccione Genova 15/12/18-06/2019
Arte Genova 2019 15-18 febbraio presso Satura gallery
e Art Talent Show <5000€ Mediolanum
Berlino Gallerie Salon halit art collettiva in minipersonale 23/3-6/4 2019
Mosca Galleria Dresden collettiva in minipersonale dal 3/5- 15/5 2019
Genova Live Performing #travelartliguria giugno/2019 concorso a premio
vincitore 4° premio ed esposizione presso Sala supriore Palazzo Ducale
Genova Salone espositivo Municipale Nervi 12-22 sett/22
Collettiva “ Forme e colori Sant’Ilario”
Artbox Projct Gallery Zurigo 30/11/2020
Vercelli Studio D’arte 256
Biennale 2-16 maggio 2021
Genova galleria Mazzini collettiva 24.25 sett/ 2021
Associazione la Tela
Genova -Sestri Sestri come montmartre street collettiva 8-9 ottobre 2021
Parigi C/o Unesco 26-31/10 2021 Curatrice Loreta Larkina
Genova galleria Merighi “Arte Genova” 2-12 aprile 2022
Genova -Sestri Sestri come Montmartre street collettiva 29-30 arile 2022
Genova Galleria Satura “ Arte in Fiore “ maggio 2022 23/4-75
Genova -Crocefieschi estemporanea pittura 4 premio 21/8/2022
Venezia Arte Laguna Prize 17 concorso Laguna World gen/marzo 2023
Roma – Velletri galleria MauriziArtgallery maggio 2023
Esposizione 3 opere serie action flowers paint
Basilea Artboxy 15-18 giugno 2023 c/o EuroAirport Basel
Esposizione su LCD panel 55” tre opere selezionate serie abstract action fluid paint
Porto Cervo (SS) Aiplc CUE ART 2 mostra d’arte contemporanea
A cura Maurizia Art Gallery 20/6-3/9 2023 3 opere serie action flowers paint