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INTERVIEW Artaporter

Meet the Artist: Luciano Stuttgard


Luciano Stuttgard is a Genoese artist whose pictorial path develops from the search for a new artistic identity, far from a rigid and punctual form of representation of reality.
After years of experimentation, he decided to abandon realism to devote himself to a more intimate and personal painting, free from formal constraints. His works, while maintaining a deep connection with light and chromaticity, are expressed through a decisive and immediate gesture , allowing himself to be influenced by the unpredictability of chance. With this approach, Luciano creates images capable of arousing emotion, amazement and surprise, transmitting a beauty and harmony that reflect his deepest feelings.

Artaporter wanted to interview the artist to learn more about his path and his approach to art. Here's what he told us.

fase finale performance live Travelart Genova

What does art represent for you?

It comes from the desire to free myself from everything that has been formal in my conception of art as a means to research and resume the view in its features as it was. Freeing the gesture and the chromatic composition starting from an instinctive impulse also aesthetic has become a necessity to find an expressive form free from pre-established logic. My works are born from a desire to create an imaginary scenario even if not premeditated in a rigorous way at the moment, but developed gradually also by chance, where every gesture and every casual and causal variation, feeding on itself, generates successive gestures and tonal layers superimposed in full fluidity, which connecting with my artistic sensitivity feed the creative vein giving rise to balanced and communicative compositions


How and when did you approach art?


I was born at a young age as an artist capable of reproducing famous author's copies and immediately developed the ability to copy great masters of the past, focusing on the oil technique, favoring Fauve, Cubist and Impressionist artists of the Parisian era of the early 1900s. Over time, I replaced oil with acrylic due to a need for faster drying. The Fauve tones with uniform chromatic background will characterize my works from that moment on, thus abandoning the meticulous and rigorous painting of the view that had developed later, sought for example in a beautiful photographic shot then reproduced, rather than a landscape view en plein air, to search for a less formal, more destructured expressive form that forced me to go through new stylistic choices! Color and gesture will remain the essential tool of my abstract production to this day. Today I create informal painting in a captivating visual language based on a very dynamic technique using informal and varied tools. My works are made in overlapping layers of fluid color, where I accompany the case by constantly developing new compositions, flat and spatial emphases in an abstract, inimitably powerful visual language that fascinates the observer. With this color and these images during the creative process on the canvas I allow a lot, I remain open to instinctive pictorial gestures from beginning to end that spontaneously allow me to develop new ideas. My works, even of larger size, take viewers where my imagination wants to take them, painted passions master the extremes between reality and dream, between tangible and metaphysical, giving emotions and an intuitive aesthetic charm.

opera 100x100x4 su tela "Blu in fiore" acrlico e smalti serie fluid
opera grande 120 x 100 x 4 acrilico tela "Inception" serie  fluid

What is your biggest source of inspiration?


My current painting is born, consolidates and evolves, from the desire to free myself from a precise and rigorous expressive artistic form in resuming the seen as it was, experimented in previous years, pushing me more and more to the search for a new artistic identity more intimate and personal, freed from any formal criterion, which, although still anchored to the chromatic logic of light, is now also exalted by the artistic gesture letting me go to the unpredictability of the case, as an expression of communication of my own feeling, of the most intimate seeing, to arouse amazement, emotion and also surprise, giving in the intent, aesthetic and chromatic imaginaries of only beauty and harmony!


What emotions do you hope to evoke in viewers of your works?


For me, art is breathing space, relief, it is taking refuge from the turbulence of everyday life, an intimate space, I would say secret, in which to mirror, recognize and clarify oneself, where one can find clean energy from a debilitating administration of toxic images carved in the unconscious, a source of pollution of the human soul.

Is there a particular message you try to communicate through your works?


Ultimately I try to communicate the same personal approach that I have when I create my own work! Freeing yourself from the stereotypes of an alienating society that transforms and conforms everyone to the same vision of reality, in which you are deprived of the fundamental resource which is to draw from your own inexhaustible inner source which is a consciousness of pure creative energy and love!


What is the role of imperfection in your art?


Imperfection in my art is an integral part of my creative development, often a source of new insights. I generally leave a final evaluation to my aesthetic taste, which despite tortuous paths in the development phase that would sometimes make me destroy the work, actually contributes to bringing it to a successful conclusion, sometimes in an unexpected way! It is surprising, as in music, that only time can make me appreciate one work rather than another!

Luciano enthusiastically took part in the Call for Artists Fluid Expressions by Artàporter, in collaboration with Liquitex, and was selected among the 20 artists who had the opportunity to create three 20×20 cm works using the materials provided by the brand.

During the vernissage of the exhibition, the winners were announced and the artist was one of the three finalists, receiving as a prize the membership to the PR1ME program of Artàporter and a supply of Liquitex products, a recognition that marks a further step in her artistic journey.

Luciano Stuttgard

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©2023 by stuttgardarte.- Contemporary artist

Genova.. All Rights Reservered. C.F. STTLCN58D25H183J

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